29.08.2014 в 16:29
Пишет  Atlas Shrugged:

alas, he is a human
— Break His Heart To Save Him

  • So, you've got someone you deeply care about, and who cares just as much about you. However, you know the two of you cannot stay together: being near you, or just the fact that he loves you is putting him at risk. You tried warning him, but it didn't work — he knows he'll be in danger, and he's okay with that. But you're not.
  • It's likely to backfire spectacularly when the pain of the breakup just drives the other person to do exactly the thing you needed them not to do.
  • Unsurprisingly, while it usually works temporarily, in many cases, it doesn't hold up for very long.

URL записи

@музыка: Зимовье Зверей - Самолёт

@настроение: и не верь мне, что улетаю на годы. Не успеет земля обернуться вокруг, через льды, тополя, через тысячи вьюг, по дорогам пыля, оставляя круги, я вернусь, но другим.

@темы: Metal Gear, перепосты, ФотоЖоп, he sent us to hell, but we are already from there., songs of empty lungs