• Jack, a two year old genetically modified freak of nature who didn’t have any kind of positive parental role model, managed to raise five little girls who’d gone through hell until they all became accomplished women…. and Booker couldn’t handle one baby.

@музыка: Chris Vrenna – Wonderland Woods (OST American McGee's Alice)

@настроение: deep in the ocean, dead and cast away where innocences burn in flames, a million mile from home, I’m walking ahead I’m frozen to the bones, I am.

@темы: Bioshock, Tumblr

29.01.2014 в 23:22

the years are long, but it's always good to see a familiar face.
and Booker couldn’t handle one baby.
сэд бат тру :c
14.02.2014 в 23:38

Любимцы Богов редко бывают атеистами(c)
Мне кажется, что не особо Букер-то и старался но мы всё равно ему прощаем
15.02.2014 в 00:02

Ну это же сарказм. Ибо YOU TRIED SOOOOOOO HARD.